Return Policy

Hey there, fellow adventurer! We totally get it, sometimes things just don't work out the way we planned. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help you out. Just keep in mind that our policy lasts for 30 days from the date of purchase, so make sure to reach out to us within that time frame.

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty details. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. We totally understand that you might want to try on that slut anklet or necklace, but please resist the temptation! We can't accept returns on items that have been used or damaged.

Oh, and don't forget about the original packaging! We want that item to be in its prime condition, just like when it first arrived at your doorstep. So, make sure to keep all the packaging intact.

Now, here's the fun part. To complete your return, we'll need a receipt or proof of purchase. We promise we won't ask for your soul or anything, just a simple proof that you bought the item from us.

Once we receive your returned item, our team of experts will inspect it with the utmost care. We'll send you an email to let you know that we've received your item and we'll also notify you about the approval or rejection of your refund. Fingers crossed for that approval, right?

If your refund is approved, we'll work our magic and process it as quickly as possible. You can expect the refund to be applied to your credit card or original method of payment within a certain amount of days. We won't keep you hanging, we promise!

Now, if you're anxiously waiting for that refund and it seems like it's taking forever, don't panic just yet. First, double-check your bank account to make sure the refund hasn't magically appeared. If it hasn't, reach out to your credit card company. Sometimes, they take their sweet time to process refunds.

If all else fails, don't worry! We're here to help. Contact your bank and let them know about the situation. They might have some insights or tricks up their sleeves to speed things up.

Oh, and before we forget, let's talk about sale items. Unfortunately, we can only offer refunds on regular-priced items. Those sale items are just too good of a deal to pass up, but they also come with a no-refund policy. We hope you understand!

Now, if you received a defective or damaged item, we're truly sorry about that. We'll gladly replace it for you. Just send the item back to us at HWC LLC, PO Box 390765, Minneapolis MN 55439, United States, and we'll take care of the rest. We want you to have the best experience possible, so we'll make sure to fix any issues.

Gifts are always a nice surprise, right? If your item was marked as a gift and shipped directly to you, we'll give you a gift credit for the value of your return. Once we receive the returned item, we'll send you a fancy gift certificate. It's like getting a present twice!

Now, if the item wasn't marked as a gift or the gift giver had it shipped to themselves to give to you later, we'll have to refund the gift giver. Sorry, we don't want to ruin any surprises!

When it comes to shipping, we want to be fair. If you need to return your product, you'll be responsible for paying the shipping costs. We know it's not the most exciting part, but hey, we're all in this together.

Just a friendly reminder, if you're shipping an item over $75, it's a good idea to use a trackable shipping service or purchase shipping insurance. We want to make sure that your returned item reaches us safely. We can't be held responsible for any lost packages, so better safe than sorry!

That's it, my friend! We hope this return policy has answered all your questions and put your mind at ease. If you have any further inquiries or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to us at We're always here to help you on your daring adventures!